Skin Disorders

Evaluation of ALCAT Test results in the non IgE-mediated pathology of the skin
Investigators M. De Amici, Berardi, Castello, Mantegna, Giunta, Ronzi, and Vignini concluded in a study of 35 patients that an elimination diet based on ALCAT test results improves symptoms in 66% of patients suffering from skin conditions such as Urticaria, Angioedema and Dermatitis. Presented at 30th Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 11-15 June 2011 - Istanbul, Turkey, and Published in Allergy Volume 66, Supplement s94, June 2011 – pg. 63, abstract 553

Food intolerance in patients with cutaneous diseases: diagnostic value of the ALCAT Test
Dr. L. Berardi, which appeared in the report of the XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Abstract Book in Poland in 2009. This study of 14 patients affected by cutaneous diseases with negative allergic tests (prick and/or RAST) who were ALCAT tested. After a 2 month elimination diet based on the ALCAT results, 86% of patients exhibited a dramatic improvement in symptoms, while 14% showed no change or did NOT follow the diet. Presented at: 28th Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 6-10 June 2009 – Warsaw, Poland. Published in: Allergy Volume 64, Supplement 90, 2009 – pg. 490, abstract 1281. Berardi, L.; De Amici, M.; Vignini, A.; Torre, C.; Mosca, M.

Food Intolerance in Patients With Angioedema and Chronic Urticaria: An Investigation By Rast and ALCAT Test
A 56 patient study concluded that an ALCAT based elimination diet coupled with elimination of RAST positive foods and food additives resulted in symptom improvement for 45 patients. Lene Hoj MD, Copenhagen, Denmark Presented at the Xvl European Congress of Allergotogy and Clinical lmmunology Madrid, Spain: June 25.30,1995. Published - European Journal of Allergy and clinical Immunology Supplement. Number 26, Vol. 50. 1995.

Prevalence of Food Allergy and Intolerance in Children Based On MAST CLA and ALCAT Tests
Investigators Krzysztof Buczylko, Tadeusz Obarzanowski, Krzysztof Rosiak, Grzegorz Staskiewicz, Anita Fiszer, Slawomir Chmielewski, and Jan Kowalczyk performed a single blind study with 56 children with atopic disease; they were investigated for IgE allergy and screened for food sensitivities using ALCAT. Foods were removed from the patients diets based on both forms of testing. Frequently, only the ALCAT test oriented diet gave symptom improvement. Published in Advances in Medical Sciences; Formerly Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku Volume 40, Number 3, 1995