
ALCAT Test Results In The Treatment of Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Arthritis, Skin and Central Nervous System
Investigator Danuta Mylek studied 72 patients who followed an ALCAT based elimination diet; they had significant improvement in their symptoms that included arthritis, bronchitis and gastro issues. Specifically, they found improvement in 83% of arthritis patients, 75% of Urticaria, bronchitis, and gastroenteritis patients, 70% of migraine patients, 60% of chronic fatigue syndrome patients, 50% of asthma patients, 49% of AD patients, 47% of rhinitis patients and 32% of hyperactivity patients. Patients were also skin tested for IgE allergy to inhalants and foods that were more pronounced in skin and nasal symptoms. Published in Advances in Medical Sciences; Formerly Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w BiaƂymstoku Volume 40, Number 3, 1995.

The ALCAT Test - A Guide and Barometer in the Therapy of Environmental and Food Sensitivities
Investigator Barbara A. Solomon MD studied 172 patients successfully using an ALCAT Test-based diet to alleviate the following range of symptoms: classic migraine (85%), common migraine (62%), sinus headaches (58%), gastoesphageal reflux (GERD) (75%), IBS (71%), inflammatory arthritis (65%), recurrent Sinusitis (59%), tension fatigue, syndrome (60%), obesity (50%), eczema (55%), asthma (30%), depression and/or anxiety (31%), recurrent vaginitis (20%), recurrent urinary tract infection (46%), degenerative arthritis (44%) and allergic rhinitis (42%). Published in Environmental Medicine, Volume 9, Number 1 & 2, 1992. Barbara Solomon MD, MA


Overcoming Arthritis - Hidden Causes and Permanent Solutions